Lecture: Japanese Music in the United States @ 洗足学園大学・現代邦楽研究所 / Senzoku Gakuen College of Music
デュオ夢乃リサイタル(東京)は昨年に引き続き、トーキョーコンサーツラボ(西早稲田)にて開催されます。ニューアルバム「平家組曲」のリリース記念、そして新シリーズ「Air (エアー)Vol. 1」の第一弾リサイタル となります。本年度の委嘱作曲家、上野ケン氏の新作も乞うご期待下さい!
Duo YUMENO will hold its annual recital at Tokyo Concerts Lab. in Tokyo. This recital will celebrate the new release of the new album, “Heike Quinto” and also the start of the new series titled Air. The program includes the new commission piece written by an esteemed composer, Ken Ueno.
In the 1930s, several Japanese companies produced films made on paper (called kami firum) instead of celluloid. Professor Eric Faden has led “The Japanese Paper Film Project” since 2019. This screening features a wide-ranging collection of digitized films. For the silent films, Yoko Reikano Kimura will accompany on koto. (Photo: Collection of paper films at Kyoto’s Toy Film Museum)
Duo YUMENO will return to the annual Here and Now Labor Day Festival presented by Bargemusic, Brooklyn. The whole program of the concert will be curated by Duo YUMENO.
[Program] Marty Regan: Soundscapes of the Seasons (New York premiere of duo version)Daron Hagen: Selection from the Heike Quinto
Apotheosis (World premiere)
Ken Ueno: Sunset Looking to the Future (New York premiere)
Japan Society’s commissioning work, Dogugaeshi was produced by genius puppeteer, Basil Twist. Celebrating its 20th anniversary, Japan Society will present this phenomenal work as the first program of the 2024-2025 season.
Yoko Reikano Kimura will perform for the matinee shows. For more information, please visit here.
Duo YUMENO will accompany a silent film screening presented by the film studies department of Bucknell University, In the 1930s, several Japanese companies produced films made on paper (“kami firumu”) instead of celluloid. The screening will feature digitally restored films that have not been shown in public for nearly 85 years. Prof. Eric Faden at Bucknell University founded the Japanese Paper Film Project and has been leading the efforts on preserving the surviving movies and promoting scholarship about these films.
Duo YUMENO will be featured at Friends of Music concert series presented by Eagle Hill Institution in Maine. Please enjoy the duo’s diverse repertoire and beautiful nature in Maine.
Duo YUMENO will return to the First Congregational Church of Blue Hill and present a program to celebrate the beginning of autumn in Maine.
University of California, Berkeley’s Women’s Faculty Club is presenting a recital featuring Duo YUMENO. The program will include the West Coast premiere of the duo’s latest commission piece, Sunset Looks to the Future, composed by Ken Ueno, who is a professor at UC Berkley.
Yoko Reikano Kimura will perform her lifetime work, Koto Concerto: Genji (composed by Daron Hagen) and other masterworks at the spring concert featuring New York-based ensemble group, INTERWOVEN presented by National Museum of Asian Art, Smithsonian Institution. More details about this special concert will be announced soon.
The shakuhachi bamboo flute of Japan has been popular throughout the world over the last several decades. The World Shakuhachi Festival has been presented once every four years since 1994, and the 2025’s festival will be held on the April 17th to the 20th when the bluebonnets are in a full bloom. As a guest performer of Yamada-school koto music, Yoko Reikano Kimura will be joining this festival.
デュオ夢乃リサイタル @ 興聖寺涅槃堂(京都上京区) / Kosho-ji Temple (Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto)
2025年日本ツアー、デュオ夢乃リサイタル(京都)は、古田織部の菩提寺としても知られる名刹、興聖寺涅槃堂にて開催いたします。邦楽とクラシックの視点から「うた」に視点を当てたシリーズ「Air エアー」の第2回公演となります。新しい委嘱作品を含む公演の詳細、チケットお申し込み情報は、追って公開されます。
Duo YUMENO will hold its annual recital at the historic Kosho-ji Temple in Kyoto. This recital will be the second concert of the new series, Air.
デュオ夢乃リサイタル @ トーキョーコンサーツ・ラボ(東京新宿区) / Toyo Concerts Lab. (Shinjuku, Tokyo)
2025年日本ツアー、デュオ夢乃リサイタル(東京)は、2024年に引き続き、トーキョーコンサーツ・ラボにて開催いたします。邦楽とクラシックの視点から「うた」に視点を当てたシリーズ「Air エアー」の第2回公演となります。新しい委嘱作品を含む公演の詳細、チケットお申し込み情報は、追って公開されます。
Duo YUMENO will hold its annual recital at Tokyo Concerts Lab. in Tokyo. This recital will be the second concert of the new series, Air.